Pair to form Mobile Expert Group
Swisscom has signed a new, intensified network partnership agreement with Ericsson. Swisscom and Ericsson will form a joint Mobile Expert Group in which engineers from both companies will share ideas and pool their skills to ensure that Swisscom retains the best-performing network in Switzerland.
The joint Mobile Expert Group will define new ways of working to drive innovation and transformation of Swisscom’s mobile network.
The partnership is built on a shared vision of a best-in-class mobile network with the objective to meet future demands of the Networked Society and digitized economy from all customer segments. The new approach will reduce time to market for the latest Ericsson technology and services, thereby ensuring that Swisscom customers will always experience the best possible network performance. The close nature of the cooperation provides a tremendous opportunity for both companies to extend their leadership.
Heinz Herren, CTO and CIO of Swisscom, said: “I’m confident that our customers will benefit from this close partnership in which we pool know-how and resources from both companies.”
Magnus Mandersson, executive vice president and head of business unit global services at Ericsson, added: “We are delighted to deepen our partnership with Swisscom, one of the world’s most innovative communications service providers. Our long and close relationship with Swisscom enables us to explore innovative new ways of working that will benefit both companies and end users. We will work together to further improve Swisscom’s already excellent products and services. Very short time to market will benefit all customers.”