New AI can read subliminal facial expressions


Sophisticated technology can tell live if people are lying, disagreeing, curious, judgmental, passionate or nervous with high levels of accuracy

Human, a pioneer in artificial emotional intelligence (AEI), has developed new software that has the ability to read subliminal facial expressions and convert these into a range of emotions and specific characteristic traits in real time. The software is the first of its kind taking AEI and facial recognition a step further into the dynamic realms of characteristic detection, the company claimed.

Going deeper than simply deciphering human emotion, Human’s patent pending software goes beyond that using partial facial recognition, robust camera angles and state of the art pixelated raw data to reveal typical personality traits. Having been developed internally by data scientists, Human’s technology provides levels of unbiased insight to help companies better predict opportunities, manage risks and make wiser decisions in anything from employing the right person and cultural fit for the job, to supporting fraud detection, providing professional sports scouting intelligence and more.

The software minimises human bias, is cost effective and time efficient, claimed Yi Xu, CEO and founder at Human: “Understanding what makes someone passionate, nervous, dishonest or curious for example, has to date been about the human subconscious biased view, which has always been a gamble. Our software adds another layer of certainty to simple gut instinct with supporting data.

“Using the power of deeper-rooted technology that not only looks at how someone is feeling at that point, but also at what kind of person they are, will allow us much greater insight into individual human behavioural traits which can be used to great advantage when making better, more informed decisions,” Xu added.


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