Now Arriving, it’s Indestinate


DEVELOPER FOCUS In a recent data innovation contest run by IC tomorrow, the digital programme of the UK Technology Strategy Board, small businessIndestinatewon the competition and funding to develop a destination tourism platform, Now Arriving, in partnership withEE. This platformwill enable digital marketers to useEE's mobile dataon location, movement and demographicsto deliver tailored travel experiences to the consumer,and measure the impact of their campaigns. Here, Smart Chimps talks to Clive Hall, director of digital media at Indestinate, about how this app platform is using location based services to enhance UK travel.

Smart Chimps: How did you think up this service? What happened that inspired you, and how did the concept come about?

Clive Hall: The Now Arriving location marketing service was inspired by our work with tourism organisations, in particular Visit New Forest, which wants to be able to provide visitors with personalised itineraries based on real time consumer behaviour patterns.

We have worked closely with the Visit New Forest tourism group to map the current digital visitor journey. We have heavily engaged local tourism businesses to develop the scope for the service ensuring the commercial needs of all stakeholders are achieved.

Having won the IC tomorrow Data Contest in June, we have been given a boost of around


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