Demo Europe showcases cutting edge mobile tech


Top class mobile technology attracts interest from developers

 DEMO Europe, the European launchpad for emerging technologies and trends, wrapped up its inaugural two day conference held in Moscow, Russia, this week with pitches from startups and entrepreneurs working with cutting edge mobile tech.

A plethora of pitches over the two day event included the following mobile highlights, Smart Chimps says.

Nexmo – <a href=''></a> – is a direct-to-carrier SMS API, which enables developers and enterprises to get direct access to over five billion mobile phones in more than 200 countries. It enables businesses to reach their customers globally in a way that is efficient and cost effective. Its direct-to-carrier model improves delivery ratios and lowers latency, meaning guaranteed wholesale pricing and reactive support. Its lightweight API, which enables developers to go live in minutes, using the programming languages they already know, helps them scale by processing millions of transactions daily. With one of the largest reaches of inbound numbers, Nexmo is now investing in global growth.

Omlook – <a href=''></a> – Omlook's aim is to overcome language barriers and provide e-commerce without borders. Its proprietary voice recognition software provides realtime language translation to support the Omlook trading platform, an online commerce site, and enables users to connect with foreign customers via cross-platform mobile-level apps and mobile phones (about to go into production). Omlook currently works with Russian and Chinese, with English in development. It enables you to communicate easily, trade easily and find new friends – all in one place.

Fitting Reality – <a href=''></a> – is a virtual fitting room solution for online retailers and is designed to increase sales and reduce the rate of returns and refunds. It is a cloud-based augmented reality solution that enriches the shopping experience by showing an accurate 3D visualisation of each item of clothing as part of a customer's outfit, enabling customers to mix and match items and increasing customers' confidence with size choices. Using image recognition technology, Fitting Reality converts retailers' clothing items into a 3D format and stores it in the cloud and, once consumers have stored pictures of themselves on sister site ShapeID (<a href=''></a>), they can try on any of the items of clothing in the store's online Fitting Room. Developers can take the API and try it for free on their website.

tootFM – <a href=''></a> – creates online playlists for venues and enables users to listen to other's music preferences based on location. By analysing a location and track preferences it creates a personal playlist for a user by merging their location data with their music preferences. tootFM's core backend feature is a tracks merger and API for the B2B market. Core front end features include creating personal playlists and venues' radio, creating vibe templates for venues, mixing genres to fine tune an atmosphere, and creating mobile apps for the B2C market.&nbsp; And lastly, 3Plet – <a href=''></a> – creates music albums as apps; a mobile music album for the new era. During their presentation, 3Plet (pronounced 'triplet') announced their partnership with Universal Music Russia. Combining music, images (such as album artwork and band imagery) and text (such as song lyrics and artist information), digital music is once again reunited with context on a mobile device.


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