Datasquasher can flatten data sent from a phone by up to 90% for images, 75% for both audio and video, and 98% for text messages
Millenoki has launched a new app that places the data control and optimisation experience in the hands of the end user rather than the mobile network operator. The app also works as a platform for operators to see in detail what, where and when consumers are using their data allowance, plus enterprises can use the platform for tracking, analysis and security of phone fleets.
Datasquasher can flatten the data sent from a phone by up to 90% for images, 75% for both audio and video, and 98% for text messages. Tony Blake, commercial director at Millenoki, commented: 'Quality of experience has been a network operator problem, but the basis that drives us is the idea that the end user needs to take some responsibility for their own user experience.
'Datasquasher gives the user a control panel on their devices that puts all data into our compression and tracking service, and enables the user to create different quality settings for all their data, both audio, video and images. Our low quality video setting, which is perfectly watchable, would give a 3.88MB video a data saving of 73%, while the high to medium setting still would save 11% on that video. There is potential there for the user to make great savings.'
Blake added: 'Also, we send our video out in 10 second chunks, versus YouTube's one to two minute chunks; this means you can start watching a video much faster, and if you don't want to see the whole thing, you haven't just used a big piece of your data quota downloading something you don't want.'
For mobile operators, the app provides a platform for compression so saving the network, plus big data analytics and consumer engagement. Operators can use it to see what users are using their data allowances for on a granular level, including when and where they are using it. This includes when users are off the network on Wi-Fi.
In a consumer engagement platform that gives end users a pop up containing details of how far through their data allowance they are, operators are also able to provide adverts or tips, giving them a new channel through which to interact with their consumers.
'Operators have the chance to segment their market with all that data and get context and customer-specific messaging out to their end users,' said Blake. 'Ads can be segment-related, which will push conversion rates up. It makes advertising into a service for the end user rather than a hindrance or white noise, adding value for everyone.'
Millenoki is currently in talks with mobile operators and MVNOs to licence the app, Blake said.