Accurate device routing in three steps to match visitors with the right web experience based on device type
Mobile analytics and device detection company, Netbiscuits today launched its cloud-based Device Routing tool, which allows businesses of all sizes to route web traffic to the right online experience based on device type.
Netbiscuits Device Routing is an enterprise-grade tool with built-in device classification that organises device traffic into one of four themes for the rapid and accurate routing of connecting devices. With a single line of code written in JavaScript and embedded in the header of a web application, businesses can set up accurate device routing in three simple steps to match visitors with the right web experience based on their device type.
The Netbiscuits Device Routing solution is the first on the market to offer preconfigured detection for smartphone, tablet, PC and feature phone in one easy to setup screen interface, stated the company.
While responsive web design has helped businesses address the multi-device world in relation to layout and screen size challenges, Netbiscuits Device Routing can provide greater control and adaptability for companies that do not have the budget or resources to re-design their entire web architecture.
In addition, Netbiscuits also officially opened the doors to The Vault, an accurate and robust device library, containing thousands of mobile device profiles and contextual user data; from feature phones, smartphones and tablets, through to the latest smart TVs and wearable devices.
Featuring 8,038 device profiles, more than 200 operating system profiles and capturing 496 unique browser sources, The Vault provides marketers and developers with powerful tools for understanding how device capability can impact the mobile user experience, providing valuable insight on everything from screen size, CPU, display, touch interface and video readiness.
In the first quarter 2014 Netbiscuits Mobile Analytics detected 4,015 different models from almost 200 vendors, each using various versions of 26 different operating systems across at least 26 different browsers, offering over 100 possible mobile screen size combinations for marketers to contend with. Netbiscuits said this means customers can no longer be simply classified under the category of ‘mobile user', such is the range of device capabilities in today's market that are driving the many different ways of how consumers engage online.
With error rates on some existing device detection solutions ranging from 60% to 90%, developers and marketers are spending valuable time creating multi-device mobile experiences, only for visitors to be pointed to the wrong website because their browser, screen size or operating system was wrongly detected and classified.
Using Netbiscuits device data from The Vault, brands can freely subscribe to these tools to segment, target and track mobile customers to drive better understanding of web behaviours and increase conversion.
Daniel Weisbeck, CMO and COO at Netbiscuits, said: 'The explosion of mobile devices and the huge range of potential experiences open to consumers based on the capability of such devices can be a daunting prospect for brands developing their websites for mobile use. The term ‘mobile experience' is not a singular category, but must take into account the different devices, operating systems and other variables that make mobile such a rich, yet complex landscape. Yet, with the right tools and information, marketers and developers can better understand the capabilities of their visitors' devices and ensure the content and experience served up matches the device.'
'Netbiscuits Device Routing, in conjunction with The Netbiscuits Vault, is a hugely powerful tool that mobile marketers and developers should be using to deliver web experiences to the devices their customers are using. The days of guesswork around mobile are over and businesses building a mobile strategy should not settle for inaccurate device detection data which renders the development of personalised and customised mobile experiences almost useless.'