Subscribers using iPhones are more concerned about exceeding data use than Android smartphone subscribers
Younger mobile users in the US are the most worried about exceeding their mobile device data limits, shows new research.
The survey of American adult smartphone and tablet owners, conducted by Wakefield Research on behalf of Citrix, found that, as a group, younger mobile users are the most fearful about exceeding their mobile data limit, while as a group, adults with children are those most likely to actually exceed their monthly data limit.
Altogether, 82% of those questioned fear the data usage impact of mobile apps on their monthly data limit and have avoided using an app because of that fear. Subscribers using iPhones are more concerned about exceeding data use limits than Android smartphone subscribers (66% versus 48%).
Additionally 67% of those who watch at least one mobile video per month say they have exceeded their monthly data limit. This drops to 36% for those who watch less than one mobile video per month.
Adults with children say they use more data than those without; 72% of parents believe they exceed monthly limits, while only 46% of childless adults say they exceed them.
'Subscribers are constantly changing the way they interact with mobile devices. Overall, subscribers are demanding more data, more of the time, but specifically how they wish to use this data is changing,' said Chris Koopmans, vice president and general manager for service provider platforms at Citrix. 'The findings of this survey highlight the myriad ways in which subscribers are using their data plans and provide operators insight into subscriber attitudes and perceptions about mobile data consumption.'
Finally, 71% of men and 62% of women would engage more if sponsored data plans were available. Specifically, subscribers would access bank account info (39%), watch educational videos (33%), watch advertisements (28%), hold a teleconference (21%) or file an insurance claim (18%).
The younger generation is more open to sponsored data plans with 78% of young users receptive to plans, compared to just 52% of baby boomers.
'Sponsored data plans are likely to be a growing source of revenue for mobile operators. The findings of this survey suggest that although subscribers are keen to consume data, they are also worried about exceeding data limits,' said Koopmans. 'Sponsored data plans are one way in which content providers can engage with their target audience. This research is a first in terms of assessing the subscriber's desire to receive these plans.'